Mitel and 3CX – Increase your Functionality

With increasing regularity, I have people tell me that Mitel, particularly MiVoice Business is expensive. This opens the door to a discussion and I can honestly see both sides of the argument.

Mitel is not cheap but you know the saying, you get what you pay for. Years ago, Mitel was really good value for money but it’s becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to justify the cost for a Mitel system when there are so many cheaper alternatives. Hence they hang on to what they have, squeezing every last drop of life out of their telecoms solution. Or they opt for a cheaper solution quite often sacrificing certain functionality but on the other hand gaining some.

Case in point I’m seeing people link their old Mitel MiVoice Business system with 3CX. They’ve enquired about MiCollab for the mobile client facility and when quoted a price realise they can connect up their Mitel to a 3CX and gain everything they need at a fraction of the cost. Because they are heavily invested in Mitel handsets, they can’t replace all in one fail swoop. Over time though they intend to slowly phase out the Mitel, gradually replacing the IP handsets for cheaper SIP handsets like Yealink and Fanvil.

So if you are one of those businesses that really want to upgrade but it seems either complicated or might be very expensive, please talk to us. We can show you a cost-effective way to squeeze every ounce of value from your old telephony, whilst at the same time improving and upgrading without breaking the bank. The options are endless but we understand your financial resources aren’t.

Call us on – 01603 558558